This is Service Learning with EF

On a Service Learning tour, your students team up with established nonprofits on community-driven projects. Through hands-on work and interactions with local volunteers, students learn collaboration and problem-solving skills while making contributions that are both meaningful and sustainable.

Where will you take your students?


Para La Naturaleza

In Puerto Rico, students get a hands-on look into conservation and stewardship thanks to our partnership with Para La Naturaleza. The nonprofit organization is dedicated to preserving the island’s ecosystems. Through managing 30,000 acres of conservation land, they provide students the opportunity to work with seedlings in a tree nursery, plant native trees outdoors, and prepare and maintain reforestation areas. After volunteer hours wrap up, Para La Naturaleza environmental interpreters facilitate reflections with students to help them further understand the impact of their service.

Learn how our partners bring destinations to life →

“This tour was beyond meaningful for all involved. The organizations with which we were partnered were welcoming and beyond grateful for the work that we assisted them on. Everywhere we went, we felt gratitude and love. The tour was a fulfilling experience for all and is highly recommended!”

—Group Leader, New York