Explore STEM Trips

Spark curiosity with experiential STEM travel

Explore STEM Trips

At EF, we’ve spent over 55 years witnessing the power of educational travel, and we know how it can impact STEM classrooms. That’s why these STEM trips are specially designed to help students get a hands-on, up-close perspective on all the ways STEM makes the world go ‘round.

STEM Discovery: New York City & Boston Learn how technology and engineering provide opportunities for problem solving on this hands-on STEM trip.
5 or 6 days View trip
STEM Discovery: San Francisco Discover what makes the Bay Area an international leader in commercial and industrial innovation on this STEM trip.
4 or 6 days View trip
STEM Discovery: Boston Explore how Boston’s abundance of universities and tech startups has made it a leader in science and technology.
4 or 5 days View trip
STEM Discovery: New York City Science and technology come alive on this Big Apple STEM trip with inspiration, originality, and collaboration.
4 or 5 days View trip
Florida: An Ecology Adventure Explore the many ecosystems of Florida, and learn why it’s home to such a diverse collection of habitats.
5 days View trip



During our STEM Discovery: Boston trip, students have the opportunity to visit MassRobotics, a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating the next generation of successful robotics and connected device companies. While there, students can interact with robots, program them to play games and perform sign language, and learn about the varied industries robotics are disrupting through real-world examples.

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Tales from our trips

Dean Kamen speaks into a microphone. STEM travel brings inventions like his to life on an EF STEM trip.

Dean Kamen on the benefits of failure
A wheelchair that climbs stairs, a clean water solution, and the Segway are just a few of the noteworthy Dean Kamen inventions.

9 minute read

A teacher, Jason, laughs with his Group Leader. Teachers also benefit from EF trips like our STEM trips.

One teacher discovers the EF difference
Jason, a technology teacher from North Carolina, tells us why he felt immediately comfortable leading trips with EF.

2 minute watch

Students at in interactive animal exhibit on a STEM trip. A connection with animals is just one benefit of STEM travel.

Six expert itineraries for STEM learning
With an engineering degree and experience teaching, Aaron knows the benefits of STEM education. Here are his top six places for STEM trips.

5 minute read

The possibilities are endless.

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